10 Stories of HOPE: Josh’s Story

March 13th, 2023

Josh was attending college and working a full-time job. While in college his dad got COVID to the point of needing to be hospitalized. His dad lived about an hour out of the city so when his father got sicker, he began to regularly commute to see him. Facing this, Josh found himself missing classes and shifts at work. The school he was attending was able to accommodate this by giving him online schoolwork so he wouldn’t have to fail or withdraw. On the other hand, he had to be let go of his job. Eventually, Josh couldn’t pay his rent causing him to live out of his car. He was lucky enough to be able to stay with his dad in the hospital while also continuing to do schoolwork.

This past winter Josh’s dad passed away after his continued battle with illness. Josh found himself at the lowest he had ever been. He lost his dad, his job, and his place to stay. He returned to the city where he continued to live out of his car and did his best to complete his schoolwork.

At the beginning of the fall semester, Josh’s advisor told him about HOPE 4 Youth. He then came to HOPE 4 Youth seeking our services. A HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager was able to provide him with various resources, but he was in need of housing support. After meeting with a HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager, he was provided with housing resources. He was later accepted into a hotel voucher program.

Unfortunately, the hotel voucher program ended this year. Josh had found a job while staying in the hotel but was in danger of being homeless and living in his car again. He came back to HOPE 4 Youth to gain apartment support. He had recently started his job; therefore, he did not have enough money for a deposit. A HOPE 4 Youth Case Manager helped him create a budget and map out personal goals so that HOPE 4 Youth could financially support Josh on this journey.

Today, Josh is living in an apartment he can now call his home. He recently found out the current business he works for is going out of business. He wasn’t detoured as he was able to get a job in software development lined up. He shared with us,

“I am doing much better. I am so thankful for the support HOPE 4 Youth has given me.”

Josh has faced numerous obstacles, but he remained psychologically and emotionally strong through it all. Josh is experiencing HOPE!

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